Speaking Out

Appreciate Our Efforts
Don't patronize or belittle Rwandan Christians committed to progress.
Living with Tares
Why I stay in a church that has seriously strayed from biblical teaching.
The Almost Formerly Important
Lessons of the old mainline for the new mainline.
Politically Driven Injustice
Fixing global poverty requires more than Rick Warren's PEACE plan.
If Thy Stomach Offends Thee
Weight loss for me isn't about beauty or health.
Cure for the IDOP Holiday Blues
It's not just about hearing sad stories and lamenting.
Silence on Suffering
Where are the voices from the Christian community on cruel and degrading treatment of detainees?
Facing an Unwelcome Truth
We can do better when it comes to bearing the burdens of battered women.
Latin American Evangelicals' Life Just Got Harder
Pat Robertson's assassination call is more than just an ill-considred remark.
A More Perfect Society
Why I wouldn't want to live there.
The Resolution That Put the 'PC' in PCUSA
In its anti-Israel resolution, the Presbyterian General Assembly isn't speaking on behalf of members. A rabbi's opinion.
Life with Dignity
Let's not be too eager to pull the plug on our fellow image-bearers.
It's About God
Why Judge Roy Moore was right—a response to Ted Haggard.
Why Gay Marriage Would Be Harmful
Institutionalizing homosexual marriage would be bad for marriage, bad for children, and bad for society.
Don't Mimic Modern Universities
I Fasted from Rush Limbaugh
My passion for the church and those in it runs deeper than my enjoyment of Rush’s witty conservative commentary.
Why Pick on Hillary?
One candidate's wife seems to make us very uncomfortable.
Liberation Theology Is Remarkably Protestant

Top Story October 2, 2023

The Universe Is Not a Horror Show
The Universe Is Not a Horror Show
We live in a world haunted by sin and suffering. But it’s also one that points us to a glory beyond imagining.

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